

"The Rusticated" (novel excerpt) The Adroit Journal, Issue 49. April 2024 Nominated for Best of the Net

"The absence of want" Short Editions: Short Story Contest. October 2023 (Finalist)

"Telling" FlashFlood Journal. June 2023  Nominated for Best Small Fictions

"The Alchemy of Assimilation" Tabula Rasa Review, Issue 2. June 2023

"A Tiger's List" Lost Balloon Magazine. May 2023

"Identity verification questions for the 21st century" HAD. May 2023

"A Butcher Masquerading as a Hairdresser" The Jarnal Volume III, Mason Jar Press. May 2023 [print]

"Three Hours" The Margins. April 2023


The Quietest Spring” Our Pandemic: An Anthology, The Writer’s Workout. October 2022 [print]

"The fish must eat, but who will feed them?" Overachiever Magazine. May 2022

"A Recipe for Abundance" Inheritance Magazine, Issue #75: Nature and Nurture. May 2022